3 Things Everyone Can Do to Stop Disinformation

Although the tools to create and disseminate disinformation are easier, faster, cheaper and more-accessible than ever before, there are a few things you can do to disrupt it.

  1. Interrogate where the information came from. Consider if the source has known biases or leanings, and check to see if the information is reported by multiple trusted sources. Ask yourself: who wrote, published, and corroborated it? What are their motivations and funding sources? Do they embrace journalistic standards of source integrity and reporting?  

  2. Look for incendiary headlines. Strong emotion is often a sign that the author is pushing the reader to take a particular action.

  3. Share carefully, and only if you can confirm a source and its veracity. It’s much better to wait than to inadvertently add to the deluge of misinformation. Remember: if you would not stand in the middle of your town and shout it from the rooftops, then you probably shouldn't share it on Facebook to 10x the number of people in your town. 


Founder Kathryn Harrison Speaks with the IFLA


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